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West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon

Laser Treatments

Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery in West Palm Beach, Florida offers an array of skin laser treatments to reduce facial wrinkles and skin irregularities such as blemishes, acne scars, pore size, discolorations, sun damage, and textural imbalances.

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Skin Laser treatments will reduce facial wrinkles and skin irregularities, such as blemishes, acne scars, pore size, discolorations, sun damage and textural irregularities.

Laser Treatments | West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon | 561-833-4122
Erbium | Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon


Is An Erbium Laser Right for Me?

From acne scarring and lines and wrinkles to the damage caused by heavy sun exposure, an Erbium laser treatment session can help patients with lighter skin tones restore their natural radiance with minimal patient discomfort. Individuals with darker skin tones should consult their plastic surgeon to determine whether Erbium lasers or another ablative laser could provide the superficial resurfacing they seek without causing discoloration.

Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Can Create A Customized Erbium Laser Treatment Plan Based on Your Individualized Needs and Desires

When choosing a plastic surgery office for your Erbium laser procedure, experience  matters. For more than three decades, Board-certified Dr. Fredric M. Barr, M.D., F.A.C.S. has been helping patients at Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery achieve naturally beautiful results. Dr. Barr believes if you can tell a patient has had plastic surgery, it is not necessarily a good result. He combines his medical knowledge and experience with his passion for artistry to achieve a natural, refreshed look for his patients. 

Are you bothered by your acne scars, moderately deep lines, or skin texture? Erbium could be the right solution for you. Contact our patient counselor at (561) 833-4122 or complete our online form to schedule a consultation.

Laser Photo Rejuvenation (IPL/BBL) | Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon

Laser Photo Rejuvenation (IPL/BBL)

Patients with rosacea or “red cheeks” should start to see results after the first treatment. The skin will start to regain its normal color, however, you must complete your series of treatments, or it will return.

IPL will help:

  • Remove sunspots (face, chest, neck, hands, etc…)
  • Reduce spider veins (Legs etc…)
  • Reduce skin redness/rose colored cheeks (rosacea)
  • Reduce facial veins (Telangiectasia)
  • Reduce active acne breakouts

Does it hurt?

Most patients describe the treatment as the “snap” of a rubber band against the skin. Numbing agents are available upon request. Most patients are able to complete their procedure without any topical or oral pain medication.

What is the recovery time?

Since this is a non-ablative procedure, there is almost no recovery time. This procedure can be done over a lunch hour and the patient can go back to work. Patients should understand that there is the possibility of redness and swelling for up to 48 hours post treatment. When treating brown areas or sunspots patients need to be aware that the spots will get up to three shades darker and may take up to three weeks to fully disappear.

How many treatments do I need?

Although IPL results improve over time, patients experience a tightening of the skin immediately and will see sun damage, veins, and rosacea subsiding immediately.

Are there any side effects?

Depending on the aggressiveness of the treatment, some patients may experience light swelling, light scabbing (flaking of damaged cells), blistering, and mild discomfort. All of these side effects will fade over time.

Laser Hair Removal | Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon

Laser Hair Removal

Why Is Sciton Joule® the Superior Choice Among Hair Removal Methods?

Sciton’s Forever BARE BBL® treatment, performed using the Joule® platform, features a blend technology that results in reduced hair volume and finer hair growth over time.

Plastic surgeons consider Sciton Joule® the best among laser hair removal methods for several reasons. First, all three laser hair removal devices by Sciton have demonstrated safe, quick, and effective reduction of unwanted hair follicles on any area of the body, allowing patients to achieve optimal results with minimal risks. Additionally, Sciton Joule®'s advanced laser platform offers a range of dermatology treatments aside from laser hair removal, including laser skin resurfacing. Its versatility makes it a comprehensive solution for various skin concerns.

Utilizing cutting-edge technology, such as blend technology, to deliver exceptional results, Sciton Joule® provides increased patient comfort, shorter healing times, and highly individualized results, making it a preferred choice among patients and practitioners.

Ready to Enhance Your Self-Esteem with Laser Hair Removal? Contact Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery in West Palm Beach, Florida

At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, your comfort, safety, and satisfaction are our priorities. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing you with exceptional care and helping you achieve your desired aesthetic goals. To embark on your laser hair removal journey or learn more about Sciton Joule® laser hair removal, call (561) 833-4122 or complete our online form  to schedule a consultation with our patient counselor.

Halo™ | Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon


Can I Combine Halo™ with Other Laser Beam Procedures?

Halo™’s versatility enables us to integrate it with various laser procedures in order to address specific areas of concern and achieve comprehensive rejuvenation. Combining Halo™ with laser resurfacing treatments like Erbium can enhance your skin's texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and diminish acne scars.

Pairing Halo™ with laser skin tightening procedures can further promote collagen production, resulting in firmer, tighter skin for a more youthful appearance. The specific combination of treatments you need depends on your unique skin condition and goals. During a consultation, our patient counselor will listen to your concerns, assess your individual needs, and develop a tailored treatment plan for optimal results while prioritizing your safety and well-being.

Are You Ready to Experience Healthy Skin and the Halo™ Glow? Contact Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

When choosing a plastic surgery office for Halo™ and other laser beam procedures, experience matters. For more than three decades, Board-certified Dr. Fredric M. Barr, M.D., F.A.C.S. has been helping patients at Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery achieve naturally beautiful results. Dr. Barr believes if you can tell a patient has had plastic surgery, it is not necessarily a good result. He combines his medical knowledge and experience with his passion for artistry to achieve a natural, refreshed look for his patients. 

If you're ready to minimize the signs of aging, eliminate sun damage, enlarged pores, and other areas of concern on your skin, schedule a consultation with our patient counselor at (561) 833-4122 or complete our online form. During your consultation, we'll determine whether an ablative laser , a hybrid fractional laser, or a non-ablative laser suits you and design a Halo™ procedure that will restore your natural radiance.

Laser Treatments in West Palm Beach, FL

The laser treatments provided by Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery can help reduce facial wrinkles, such as fine lines and deep creases, resulting in a smoother and more youthful appearance. These treatments  target skin irregularities, including blemishes, acne scars, discolorations, and pore size, helping to even out skin tone and improve texture.

Laser therapies can also effectively treat sun damage, which can cause hyperpigmentation, sunspots, and other skin imperfections. By using precise laser technology, Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery can selectively target and remove damaged skin cells, revealing healthier and more radiant skin.

Our experienced professionals perform these  laser treatments  in a state-of-the-art facility, ensuring safety and optimal outcomes. The specific laser technology we use may vary depending on individual needs and desired results.

If you desire to address skin irregularities, textural imbalances, acne scars, wrinkles, or sun damage, Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery's laser treatments can provide effective solutions to help you achieve smoother, more rejuvenated skin. Schedule a consultation with our patient counselor for a personalized assessment and treatment plan.

Types of Laser Treatments at Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

We provide a wide variety of laser treatments to help you achieve your desired aesthetic outcomes:

Contact our office today, and our knowledgeable team will assist you in finding the right option for your needs.

Types and Benefits of Laser Treatments

Laser treatments can provide several benefits, including: 

  • Reduction of wrinkles and fine lines: Laser treatments can stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity, leading to the reduction of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Improvement of skin texture: By targeting textural imbalances, such as acne scars or rough patches, laser treatments can help improve overall skin texture, resulting in smoother and more even skin.
  • Treatment of acne and acne scars: Certain laser therapies can target and reduce active acne breakouts, as well as minimize the appearance of acne scars, promoting clearer and healthier-looking skin.
  • Correction of sun damage: Laser treatments can effectively address sun damage, including sunspots, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin tone caused by excessive sun exposure.
  • Skin rejuvenation: Laser therapies can stimulate cellular renewal, promote collagen remodeling, and improve blood circulation, leading to a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance.
  • Minimization of pores: Laser treatments can help reduce the size of enlarged pores, giving the skin a smoother and more refined appearance.
  • Enhanced skin complexion: By addressing various skin concerns, laser treatments can significantly improve the overall complexion, resulting in a brighter, more radiant, and youthful-looking skin.

Our knowledgeable patient counselor is available to help you discover the right solution for your aesthetic goals. Contact our office today to begin your journey.

Laser Photo Rejuvenation (IPL/BBL) 

Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery in West Palm Beach, FL offers IPL® (Intense Pulsed Light) and BBL™ (Broadband Light) laser treatments to address various skin concerns. These innovative treatments utilize light energy to target specific skin conditions and deliver effective results.

IPL/BBL laser treatment at Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery can help improve the appearance of the following skin conditions:

  • Sunspots: IPL/BBL can effectively target and reduce the appearance of sunspots, also known as age spots or hyperpigmentation, caused by sun damage.
  • Spider veins: The laser energy can help diminish the appearance of spider veins, commonly found on the legs, resulting in smoother and more even-toned skin.
  • Skin redness/rosacea: IPL/BBL treatment can reduce facial redness, including rosacea and flushed cheeks, helping to achieve a more even complexion.
  • Facial veins: The laser can target and reduce the appearance of visible facial veins, providing a clearer and more uniform skin tone.

These non-invasive IPL/BBL laser treatments are designed to rejuvenate the skin with minimal downtime. They are performed by qualified professionals at Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, safely ensuring results that serve your aesthetic goals.

By utilizing IPL/BBL technology, Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery can effectively address these skin concerns, helping patients achieve smoother, more even-toned, and refreshed-looking skin. If you're looking for a non-surgical solution to improve your skin's appearance, consider IPL/BBL laser treatment at Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery in West Palm Beach, FL.

Erbium — Laser Treatment Promoting Healthy Skin Growth

Erbium laser treatment is a highly effective procedure used for skin resurfacing and rejuvenation. It uses an Er:YAG laser to precisely remove the outermost layers of aged or damaged skin, stimulating the body's natural healing process and promoting the growth of new, healthy skin cells. The laser's light energy effectively penetrates deep into the dermis, boosting collagen production and addressing skin conditions internally.

Benefits of Erbium laser treatment can include:

  • Wrinkle Reduction: The Erbium treatment effectively reduces the appearance of moderate to deep lines and wrinkles, leading to smoother, younger-looking skin.
  • Skin Tightening: By stimulating collagen production, Erbium laser treatment can improve skin elasticity and firmness, helping to counteract sagging.
  • Pigmentation Correction: Erbium can effectively treat age spots, sun damage, and other forms of hyperpigmentation, resulting in a more even skin tone.
  • Scar Improvement: This treatment can reduce the visibility of acne scars, surgical scars, and other types of skin irregularities.
  • Skin Resurfacing: By removing the outer layers of skin, Erbium promotes the growth of new, healthier skin cells, improving overall skin texture and appearance.

Erbium laser treatment is a minimally-invasive procedure. It requires little to no downtime, depending on the depth and extent of the treatment.

Profractional Laser — Stimulating New Collagen Growth

Profractional laser treatments use advanced laser technology to create tiny, deep columns in the skin, stimulating the body's natural healing process and promoting new collagen growth. This leads to revitalized, healthier, and younger-looking skin. This can significantly boost patients' self-confidence and satisfaction with their looks.

Profractional laser treatment benefits include:

  • Wrinkle Reduction: The treatment effectively reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in smoother and rejuvenated skin.
  • Skin Tightening: By stimulating collagen production, ProFractional laser treatments can improve skin elasticity and firmness, combating sagging skin.
  • Scar Improvement: Profractional laser treatment is highly effective in reducing the visibility of acne scars, surgical scars, and other forms of skin irregularities.
  • Skin Resurfacing: This procedure promotes the growth of new, healthier skin cells, improving overall skin texture and appearance.
  • Pigmentation Correction: Profractional laser treatment can address hyperpigmentation issues such as sun spots, age spots, and uneven skin tone, leading to a more balanced complexion.

ProFractional laser treatments are considered minimally invasive. They target only a fraction of the skin at a time, leaving surrounding tissue untouched, which facilitates faster healing.

Laser Hair Removal — Inhibit Growth of Unwanted Hair

Laser hair removal is a popular and non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses concentrated light to target and destroy hair follicles, inhibiting future hair growth. At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, we use the advanced Sciton Joule Laser.This treatment is suitable for various areas of the body, including the face, legs, underarms, bikini line, and more. It involves only minimal discomfort, likened to the snap of a rubber band against the skin.

Some key benefits and purposes of laser hair removal include:

  • Ingrown Hair Elimination: Laser hair removal reduces the risk of developing ingrown hairs, which can cause inflammation, bumps, and itching.
  • Prevention of Hair Regrowth: Unlike waxing and plucking, which require some regrowth between sessions, laser hair removal targets the hair follicle — preventing regrowth and providing smoother skin for longer periods.
  • Efficiency and Precision: The treatment is efficient and precise, targeting hair follicles without damaging surrounding skin. It's an effective way to get rid of unwanted hair.
  • Long-Term Solution: While multiple sessions are often required for optimal results, laser hair removal offers a long-term solution for unwanted hair, potentially saving time and money spent on razors, shaving cream, and other temporary hair removal methods.
  • Improved Skin Texture: By eliminating hair at the root, laser hair removal leaves skin softer and smoother, without the razor bruises or stubble associated with shaving.

We recommend six sessions followed by yearly maintenance sessions.

HALO — Rejuvenating Laser Treatment Combining Comfort and Effectiveness

Reveal the radiant HALO glow and bid farewell to years of sun damage as the treatment stimulates your body's innate healing response. Feel the remarkable improvement in skin texture and clarity, suitable for all skin types.

HALO laser treatment is a minimally-invasive advanced cosmetic procedure that combines both ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to deliver rejuvenating results in the form of remarkably youthful-looking, healthier skin — with minimal downtime. It combines the effectiveness of an ablative procedure with the comfort and quick recovery time of a non-ablative treatment.

Key benefits and purposes of HALO laser treatment include:

  • Reduction in Sunspots and Discoloration: HALO laser treatment targets hyperpigmentation, sunspots, and discoloration, leading to a more even and balanced skin tone.
  • Improvement in Skin Texture: The procedure effectively reduces skin irregularities and promotes smoother skin texture.
  • Minimization of Pores: By stimulating collagen production, HALO laser treatment can reduce the size of enlarged pores, resulting in a finer, smoother skin surface.
  • Wrinkle and Fine Line Reduction: The treatment effectively reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leading to younger-looking skin.
  • Scar Improvement: HALO laser treatment can reduce the visibility of acne scars and other types of skin irregularities.

Patients typically notice improvements in their complexion within 2-5 days, with continued enhancements as collagen and elastin production increases.

Schedule a Consultation with Our Patient Counselor to Learn More About Our Laser Treatments & Determine Which Ones Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Call us today to schedule a meeting with our patient counselor who attentively understands your concerns and aspirations, providing compassionate guidance towards the best procedures tailored to your specific needs.

We are prepared to answer your questions about the right laser therapy treatment for you and how much laser treatments cost, and we will work with you to prepare an appropriate plan for your needs and goals. Reach out to us at (561) 833-4122 or fill out our online form to initiate the process.

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At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, we view Plastic Surgery procedures in a direct and honest manner using the principles of either addition, subtraction or a combination of both.

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Our Faqs


If I am seeking to undergo a combination of procedures, will they be done together or consecutively? What is the timeline for multiple procedures?


The answer depends on multiple factors, including the specific combination of procedures, your recovery rates, your age and health status, and your behaviors or habits. More invasive surgeries typically require recovery time ranging between 6 and 12 weeks to 6 months, and surgeries to the same area of your body will also generally require recovery time between procedures.

However, if you are in good health and the combination of procedures in question will be performed on different parts of your body and are not especially invasive, a combination of procedures could potentially be approved together on a case-by-case basis. It is imperative that the combination of procedures does not compromise your healing, and your attention to prescribed pre-operation and recovery habits also plays a significant role. Schedule a consultation for an assessment and guidance regarding the procedures you are considering.


Will it be obvious that I “got work done” after my procedure?


While aging affects us all, there are steps we can take to put forth a more vibrant appearance. We seek to perform subtle adjustments to address imperfections and the wear of time while retaining your natural look. While you should notice an improvement, the glaring changes or distortions in appearance you are concerned about and may have seen from other surgeons’ work do not meet the standard of quality plastic and cosmetic surgery we perform in our office.

Dr. Frederic M. Barr is a board-certified Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon with over 30 years of experience performing Plastic Surgery in South Florida. We enhance and refine your appearance according to your goals. Review our Gallery of Before & After Photos to see some examples of our work.


What does Breast Explant Surgery entail, and will my breasts be “back to normal” after the surgery?


For patients with Breast Implant Illness (BII), which can include allergy, auto-immune, and thyroid hormone issues, this has been an emerging topic with significant press coverage in recent years. Although numerous medical professionals have demonstrated varying responses to these women’s concerns, we believe in addressing these women’s experiences and symptoms. In response to this phenomenon, we have also chosen not to perform new breast implant surgeries. We perform Total Capsulectomy on patients with breast implants, which involves the removal of both the saline or silicone implant and the capsule around it.

Removal of the implants and surrounding scar tissue has been shown to improve women’s health concerning these symptoms. While some women choose no further procedure following Breast Explant Surgery, some patients elect to have a Mastopexy procedure that involves reshaping the breast tissue for a pleasant cosmetic breast appearance. We welcome your specific questions regarding these procedures and their anticipated effects for your situation. See our Breast Implant Explantation (Total Capsulectomy) page for more detailed information, including before-and-after photo examples.


Are injectables safe, and are some safer than others? What are the dangers, and how can I avoid them?


We only utilize injectables and safe procedures for our patients, though any procedure involves some degree of risk. Proper performance and the surgeon's skills and experience performing the procedure are vital factors affecting patients’ safety. At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, our surgeon is Board-Certified, with over 30 years of experience. We enforce a high standard to maintain safety for our clients and competitors. See our Injectable Procedures Overview for a list of injectable procedures and more information on each.


What options do you have for Reconstructive Surgery?


We perform Breast Reconstruction After Cancer, Hand Reconstruction, Nose Cancer Reconstruction, and Cleft Lip Repair.


Can I pursue financing options if my health insurance does not cover cosmetic or reconstructive surgeries?


We can address your specific procedure questions and a range of financing plans that include interest-free and long-term options during a consultation. Ask us about CareCredit, a healthcare credit card designed specifically for cosmetic or reconstructive procedures not covered by health insurance. The Alphaeon credit card is another option that offers flexible monthly payment options, and Prosper Healthcare Lending provides another means to pay. See our Plastic Surgery Financing Options page for more information.
