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West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon

Mini Face/Awake Lift

At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, we perform mini face/awake lift procedures to enhance the aesthetic beauty and confidence of patients visiting our location in West Palm Beach, Florida.

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Mini Face/Awake Lift in West Palm Beach, Florida

When you look at your reflection in the mirror, do you long to remove sagging skin and restore a more youthful appearance? As we age we begin to notice excess skin around the neck, drooping skin under the chin, and sagging jowls. Understandably, many patients we meet with express their desire to correct sagging skin without having to undergo an invasive procedure. Is there a way to enhance the appearance of the face and neck without traditional facelift surgery? What if you could address the visible signs of aging, tighten loose skin, and improve your appearance with a modified version of a traditional facelift that offers minimal scarring and a faster recovery period?

At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, our innovative and less invasive cosmetic surgical procedure, known as a Mini Face/Awake Lift, focuses on the lower face, jawline, and neck. The Mini Face/Awake Lift™ removes excess skin and fat from the affected areas of the patient’s face and tightens facial muscles — specifically the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS). The result? A smoother, more well-defined face, jawline, and neck.

In contrast to a regular facelift, during the Mini Face/Awake Lift™ cosmetic procedure, a Board-certified surgeon numbs the area with local anesthesia solution injections and makes small incisions in the natural crease of the ear.

Patients often combine the Awake Lift™ Mini Facelift procedure with our other “Mini” procedures, such as Mini Vertical Facelift, Mini Neck Lift, and/or Mini Brow Lift and other procedures such as Eyelid Lift or Ear Reshaping) to address all areas of concern.

Most patients—whether “beginners” or those who’ve already had previous facelifts—agree that the Awake Lift™ Mini Facelift procedure is an excellent, less invasive choice for removing the sagging skin that accompanies facial aging to achieve facial rejuvenation and renewed self-confidence.

Unlike other facelift procedures, the Mini Facelift/Awake Lift™ allows patients to maintain their youthful appearance in an “un-extreme” fashion.

Benefits of a Mini Face/Awake Lift at Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

Why do some patients choose the Awake Lift™ over a traditional facelift? The reasons are varied. In many cases, patients may not need a full facelift. Other factors  affecting patients' decisions include not qualifying for inpatient treatment. During a consultation, you'll find out if you are the right candidate for a Mini Face Lift.

The main benefits of the Mini Face Lift/ Awake Lift™ are discussed below:

Outpatient Cosmetic Surgery

The Awake Lift™ is incredibly successful due to its efficient hospital time. Unlike traditional facelifts, this outpatient cosmetic surgery allows patients to return home on the same day. With the use of a local anesthetic in the form of a numbing injection, patients experience a quick and convenient procedure.

Less Invasive Facelift

The Mini Facelift/Awake Lift™ minimizes swelling and bruising. With this innovative procedure, you can go home on the same day and resume your normal life the next day.

Long-Lasting, Natural-looking Results

For many patients, the Mini Facelift/Awake Lift™ represents their first cosmetic procedure. Consequently, they sometimes express concerns about how long the results will last and whether they will look natural. Fortunately, the subtle improvements created by a Mini Facelift last for years and appear organic. Patients who undergo the Mini Facelift/Awake Lift™ usually enjoy multiple compliments without fielding all the questions accompanying some other forms of plastic surgery.

The Awake Lift™ & Dr. Barr in the News

TV Show Spotlight on Business TV CBS Channel 12

TV Show Spotlight on Business TV with Emily Pantelides

What to Expect from the Mini Facelift/Awake Lift™

Although plastic surgery patients are known for their thorough research, common questions arise before elective surgery.

Before the Mini Facelift/Awake Lift™

To optimize your surgical experience, Dr. Barr may advise specific behavior modifications. Discontinue blood thinners for a minimum of two weeks before the procedure and avoid alcohol in the days leading up to your Mini Facelift/Awake Lift™. Following these guidelines will ensure a smoother process and better results.

During the Mini Facelift/Awake Lift™

With the Mini Facelift/Awake Lift™ you can experience a pain-free procedure. Our skilled plastic surgeon, Dr. Barr, will first administer injections of tumescent fluid containing lidocaine and epinephrine. To ensure utmost comfort, he may apply additional lidocaine to fully numb the surgical area. Once you are completely numbed and ready, our trained professionals will perform the Awake Lift™ to achieve your transformed appearance.

After the Awake Lift™

After undergoing an Awake Lift™, many patients can resume light household tasks the next day. However, most patients will need to take around two weeks off from work. To ensure optimal healing and recovery, adhere to your surgeon's post-surgery instructions and diligently take the prescribed post-surgery medications. Expect swelling and bruising in your face, and limit excessive head and jaw movements. A few weeks after surgery, you can gradually incorporate light exercise into your routine. Finally, after six weeks, you can resume all activities without any restrictions.

The Awake Lift™ Before and After Photos*

Planning Your Next Steps for Your Mini Face/Awake Lift

 Are you ready to take control of your appearance with the Mini Facelift/Awake Lift™? Schedule an initial consultation with our patient counselor. During this meeting, you can discuss your goals, desires, and other procedures that may complement the Mini Facelift/Awake Lift. At this time, you can also address payment plans and any other questions you may have about the procedure.

Schedule a Free Consultation Today For a Mini Face/Awake Lift

Erase years of aging and revitalize your appearance in one visit with the revolutionary Mini Face/Awake Lift. Call us today at (561) 833-4122 or complete our online form to schedule a free consultation with our patient counselor, who will listen to your concerns and advise the right course of action based on your unique needs.

The Awake Mini Face Lift | West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon, FL

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At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, we view Plastic Surgery procedures in a direct and honest manner using the principles of either addition, subtraction or a combination of both.

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Our Faqs


If I am seeking to undergo a combination of procedures, will they be done together or consecutively? What is the timeline for multiple procedures?


The answer depends on multiple factors, including the specific combination of procedures, your recovery rates, your age and health status, and your behaviors or habits. More invasive surgeries typically require recovery time ranging between 6 and 12 weeks to 6 months, and surgeries to the same area of your body will also generally require recovery time between procedures.

However, if you are in good health and the combination of procedures in question will be performed on different parts of your body and are not especially invasive, a combination of procedures could potentially be approved together on a case-by-case basis. It is imperative that the combination of procedures does not compromise your healing, and your attention to prescribed pre-operation and recovery habits also plays a significant role. Schedule a consultation for an assessment and guidance regarding the procedures you are considering.


Will it be obvious that I “got work done” after my procedure?


While aging affects us all, there are steps we can take to put forth a more vibrant appearance. We seek to perform subtle adjustments to address imperfections and the wear of time while retaining your natural look. While you should notice an improvement, the glaring changes or distortions in appearance you are concerned about and may have seen from other surgeons’ work do not meet the standard of quality plastic and cosmetic surgery we perform in our office.

Dr. Frederic M. Barr is a board-certified Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon with over 30 years of experience performing Plastic Surgery in South Florida. We enhance and refine your appearance according to your goals. Review our Gallery of Before & After Photos to see some examples of our work.


What does Breast Explant Surgery entail, and will my breasts be “back to normal” after the surgery?


For patients with Breast Implant Illness (BII), which can include allergy, auto-immune, and thyroid hormone issues, this has been an emerging topic with significant press coverage in recent years. Although numerous medical professionals have demonstrated varying responses to these women’s concerns, we believe in addressing these women’s experiences and symptoms. In response to this phenomenon, we have also chosen not to perform new breast implant surgeries. We perform Total Capsulectomy on patients with breast implants, which involves the removal of both the saline or silicone implant and the capsule around it.

Removal of the implants and surrounding scar tissue has been shown to improve women’s health concerning these symptoms. While some women choose no further procedure following Breast Explant Surgery, some patients elect to have a Mastopexy procedure that involves reshaping the breast tissue for a pleasant cosmetic breast appearance. We welcome your specific questions regarding these procedures and their anticipated effects for your situation. See our Breast Implant Explantation (Total Capsulectomy) page for more detailed information, including before-and-after photo examples.
